The short version of my story starts and ends with a love of learning and helping others to learn and grow. As a child, I was often told that I asked too many questions or I was too curious. (How is anyone too curious?). Luckily, I found this to be a strength as learning and growing is all about the questions you ask yourself, others, and the world. This strength led me through my university studies to a Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction and Organizational Leadership at University of San Francisco and to the field of Performance Improvement, Organizational and Leadership Development. Over the past 20+ years I have been working with clients to help them develop their consulting, service, leadership, and management capabilities and cultures. I have worked with a variety of industries and companies from start-ups to mid-size, and global companies designing and facilitating hundreds of workshops and learning journeys for professionals and leaders at various levels. My work includes executive leadership and talent development, coaching, team building, strategy and off-site facilitation, change management, culture, and organization development consulting.
Throughout the years, I keep coming back to the critical job leaders and client facing professionals have in implementing solutions, engaging with customers, ensuring customer success, and being viewed as business partners. My first book,The Consultative Approach, Partnering For Results! set the stage for my pioneering work and continues to expand and grow to meet today’s talent needs, and organization’s uniqueness, and customer expectations. As a result I am excited to work with leaders from all walks of life and to help with Professional Service and Technology Organizations in building the alignment, mindset, and capabilities needed in today’s marketplace.
Specifically, the value I bring includes:
We are passionate about increasing an organization’s consulting and leadership capabilities so that everyone wins; the organization, the client, the employee, and leaders.
Building strong collaborative relationships with clients is paramount in our work. We work with clients by using our vast experience in business, expertise in learning design, professional service consulting capabilities, and curiosity to ask high impact questions and hear the underlying issues to develop an amazing solution.
Our philosophy of talent development is based on sound adult-learning principles, discovery and experiential learning, energizing and fun workshops, and the ability to connect deeply with all participants. Creating a readiness for and reinforcement of learning are just as much a part of the overall experience as the workshop itself.
We have a vast network of consultants, facilitators, subject matter expertise, and partners to bring to meet client needs as required.
I currently reside in Marin county, California and have a home in Montpellier, France where I visit as much as possible with my husband, Jean-Pierre, teenage daughter Zoé-Pascale and apricot poodle, Pantoufle. I am the the author of The Consultative Approach, Partnering for Results! and, Courage and Croissants, Inspiring Joyful Living as well as numerous workshops and articles. I love to read, talk about great ideas, practice yoga, hike, travel the world, improve my conversational French, and paint when the moment inspires.
For More information contact Suzanne at: or 415. 272-0169